What does the God's Law tell you???
1. God's Law tells you that you are going to hell... it tells you that you are a criminal worthy of eternal damnation.. it tells you that it is impossible for you to keep even a single law... it tells you that you don't fit in heaven... it tells you that there was never a time when you have not sinned... it tells you that after you die, only God's terrible judgment awaits you... it shows you what level of life quality God requires - PERFECTION... and anything below perfection is evil in His sight.
2. God's law tells you that Christ is our only way out... it points you to Jesus Christ... it tells you to throw away your belief that you are good enough to earn heaven.... it tells you to cling on the righteousness of Jesus Christ and rest on His perfection... it tells you that unless you repent and turn to be like Christ, you will surely be Judged... Christ is our only escape from the wrath to come...
3. And finally, God's law instructs us how to be like Christ... it shows us what love is.. it shows us how to love... and it shows us how life works out according to God's design...
I don't know God's law!! SHOW ME!!
For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as a person who has broken all of God's laws.(James 2:10) - if you break a single law, it means that you have broken ALL!! Perfect or Nothing - that is God's standard...
Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' But I will reply, 'I never knew you. GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WHO BREAK GOD'S LAWS!"(Matthew 7:22-23) - and who among us have not broken God's laws?? we all have sinned! nobody is righteous not even one!
(These are samples of what the law really means.... God's moral law is perfectly summarized in THE TEN COMMANDMENTS... let's see it) Exodus 20 and Deut. 5
We break the First Commandment By:
- Giving someone more room in our thoughts than God.
- Prioritizing something more than God.
- Getting joy from anything outside God.
- Promoting other people to admire anything more than God.
- Worshiping any other deity instead of The Christianity's Trinitarian Godhead.
- Not preventing other people from loving anything more than God.
- Being proud about oneself - or being insecure(self pity)
- Worshiping God the wrong way (Though images, carved stones, grotto's etc. )
- Not treating God with proper respect.
- treating God as personal genie wish giver.
- having no desire to know more about God.
- treating God as personal buddy-boy best friend.
- Having no fear and awe of God.
- Being ignorant about God.
- Ignoring and not preventing false worship.
- Using the name of Jesus as senseless expression. (ex., when surprised, terrified etc.)
- Using mild oaths such as: "Gosh! Darn It!", "Oh my God!", "What the heck!", "Good Lord!", "I swear to God!", "Christian Word!".
- Worshiping God in a casual, careless and insincere way.
- Using God's name for our own agenda.
- Treating God's name as common.
- Having no awe in God's name.
- Having no interest about God's name.
- Having no time for God.
- Refusing to work.
- Refusing to rest.
- Refusing to Go to Church.
- Being bored about the things of God.
- Having no God-centered recreation.
- Having no recreation at all. (Yes, it is a sin to have no leisure.)
- Using the Lord's day to do our own thing.
- Talking back to parents.
- Hiding anything from parents which they have the right to know.
- Not taking time to strengthen relationship with parents.
- Speaking bad things about our parents.
- Not giving our parents the care they need.
- Not respecting our employers or bosses.
- Having contempt for our government.
- Desiring to break the rules of society.
- Not paying taxes.
- Disrespecting people less privileged than us.
- Disrespect to authority.
- Not submitting to those who are in authority. (Parents, mentors, teachers, government officials, pastors, elders etc.)
- Desiring to grab the position of authority.
- Not praying about leaders and not encouraging them.
- Dishonoring people in authority whether on thought, word or deed.
- Unjustly taking a legally innocent life.
- Not being concern for the safety of all.
- Failing to prevent, protect and save our neighbor from suffering bodily harm or injury when we have opportunity.
- Wishing someone were dead.
- Being envious, hateful, angry and desirous for revenge.
- Using angry words or thoughts that puts people down.
- Playing violent video games, having fist fights or anything that promotes harm to human life.
- Desiring to have abortion.
- Actually having an abortion.
- Approving and not preventing abortion, media violence, euthanasia, suicide etc..
- Not helping people in need.
- Having vices that damage health.
- Hurting oneself and others in thought or dead.
- Not protecting our sexual purity and other people.
- Reading or watching sexual materials. (ex., romance novels, porns etc..)
- Fantasizing about relationships that include sexual intimacy.
- Telling dirty jokes.
- Flirting.
- Being selfish.
- Indulging in lustful sexual intercourse with someone who is not your spouse.
- Promoting homosexuality as a lifestyle.
- Desiring unlawful sex.
- Looking at someone in a lustful way.
- Having inappropriate intimacy.
- Homosexual intercourse.
- Fantasizing someone of the same sex.
- Self-gratification. (Ex. Musterbation)
- Not preventing/rebuking others from committing sexual sin in thought or in deed.
- Not desiring purity.
- Taking advantage of our neighbor that results in loss to Him.
- Not using and developing our talents and gifts for God's glory.
- Not preserving sexual intimacy for our future mate or current spouse.
- not using possessions for God's glory.
- Being selfish with our time and money.
- Not being generous.
- Taking something that doesn't belong to us - however we do it.
- Not taking care of someone Else's property.
- Giving anything less than our best efforts for our employer in our productivity at work.
- Desiring to gain by means of the loss of others.
- Not preventing others to commit theft of any kind whether in thought or deed.
- Committing any form of falsehood.
- Overstating our accomplishments to put oneself in the best possible light.
- Exaggerating other people's failings, thinking and saying worst about others.
- Not using our words to honor God.
- using words to tear people down instead of building them up.
- Talking about people in a way that damages their reputation, (ex., gossip)
- Listening to a gossip.
- Not thinking and saying best about people, and not putting the best construction on what they have said and done.
- Not defending people when they are unfairly attacked.
- Using humor to damage someone else's dignity.
- Not practicing truth.
- Thinking that we are good enough.
- Not acknowledging our sinfulness.
- Thinking we have no sin.
- Being envious about other people's age, looks, brains, talents etc.
- Desiring other people's situation in life: marriage, singleness, children etc.
- Desperately wanting someone else's affection.
- Wanting something that does not belong to us.
- Not being content at what we have.
- Not trusting God for His provision.
- Wanting things that God has not given us.
- Being discontent about Jesus!
- Not wanting what God wants for us.
- Not knowing what God wants for us.
- Wanting what we want for us.
Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
My Own Personal Disclosure
Luther said that the LAW was like a stick: "God first used it to beat me, but later I used it to walk with." -Dr. Joel Beeke
ReplyDeleteWhat is the meaning of calling on the name of the Lord? Many assume that believing in Jesus and saying a form of a sinner's prayer constitutes, calling on the name of the Lord. The problem with that theory is none of the conversions under the New Covenant support that assumption. Not one time is anyone ever told to believe and say the sinner's prayer in order to be saved.
The apostle Peter on the Day of Pentecost quoted the prophet Joel, Acts 2:21 And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (NKJV)
The apostle Peter preached the first gospel sermon under the New Covenant. Peter did not tell the 3000 converts to believe and say the sinner's prayer.
Peter preached the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. He preached Jesus as both Lord and Christ. When they heard this they asked Peter and the rest of the brethren what they should do?(Acts 2:22-37) Peter told them what to do. Acts 2:38 Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.(NKJV)
How did the 3000 on the Day of Pentecost call on the name of the Lord and become saved?
1. They believed that Jesus was both Lord and Christ.
2. They believed that God raised Jesus from the grave.
3. They repented. Repentance is a change of heart. Repentance means to be converted so that God may forgive your sins. Repentance is to make the intellectual commitment to turn from sin and turn toward God. (Acts 3:19, Acts 2:38)
4. They were immersed in water (baptized) so that their sins could be forgiven.
How did the 3000 on the Day of Pentecost not call on the name of the Lord?
1. They did not say a sinner's prayer.
2. Not one person was asked to pray for forgiveness.
3. Not one single man was told to be baptized as a testimony of his faith.
4. No one was told that water baptism was a just an act of obedience.
5. No one was informed they were saved the very minute they believed.
6. Not one person was told that water baptism was not essential for the forgiveness of sins.
7. Not one person was told to be baptized so they could join a denominational church.
Jesus said he that believes and is baptized shall be saved. (Mark 16"16) Jesus did not say he who believes and says a sinner's prayer shall be saved.