Friday, January 13, 2012

Does God love All men?

 Does God love all men?

No and "Yes?"....

     No, He does not love all men if we equate this "LOVE" with "All-Encompassing, Eternal, Electing, Saving Love"... This LOVE is only directed towards The Spiritual Israel/The Church/His Chosen Ones/His Elect, that before the foundation of the world, He LOVED them, elected them, given them to His Son, died for them, regenerated them, transformed their hearts, justified them, declared them perfect and blameless, sanctified them, molding them in the Image of Jesus Christ and would someday glorify them, show them the glory with which the Son had with the Father before all creation(John 17:1-26, Amos 3:2, Eph 5:25, 1John 4:9-10, Eph 1:4-13, Hebrews 12:6-8).

     Yes, if we mean love only in a restricted sense that He is long-suffering to the perishing. He is "loving" to them only in a much general term which equates to His kindness towards wicked men, that He sends them rain, sun, air, laughter, affections, friendship, technology, bread and all daily life-necessities when they supposedly deserve Quick-Sudden-Condemnation. This kind of love is directed to every human being that has ever lived, believer or non-believer, this is often called "Divine Providence". He even sends them the Gospel call to somehow restrain them from sin.(Matt 5:45, Luke 6:35, 1Tim 4:2, John 3:16).

     God truly hate unrepentant sinners who would go to Hell (Psalms 5:5, Psalms 7:11), but God is kind and long-suffering towards them still (Matt5:45,Luke6:35). And there is no conflict between God's hatred and kindness for them. Oh let's marvel at the complexity of God's Kindness and Hatred!

Let's meditate on the prayer of Jesus:

"I'm not praying for the world. I only pray for those whom You have given Me for they were always Yours. "
John 17:9

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