Thursday, December 1, 2011

The BLOODY truth!!!

THE BLOODY TRUTH!!! (The Power and The Extent of Christ's Death/Christ's blood)
The following pictures are illustrations on biblical truth that many distort today... this is an attempt to easily relay what true biblical teaching really is with regards to the "Power of Christ's Blood"... 


  1. Christ's obedience and suffering were of infinite value, and that if God so willed, the satisfaction rendered by Christ would have saved every member of the human race. It would have required no more obedience, nor any greater suffering for Christ to have secured salvation for every man, woman, and child who ever lived than it did for Him to secure salvation for the elect only. But He came into the world to represent and save only those given to Him by the Father. Thus Christ's saving work was limited in that it was designed to save some and not others, but it was not limited in value for it was of infinite worth and would have secured salvation for everyone if this had been God's intention.

  2. amen! particular in scope... but unlimited in POWER! hehe..
