This blog is for the issue about God’s “seeming-unfairness” for saving only His chosen ones.
1. It Is Not Unfair For God Not To Create Them
These creatures do not exist. Why? Because God did not chose to create them. God could have, but He did not, simply because it did not please Him to do so. Does it seem to you then that God was being unfair to these poor “possible-creatures”? Does it seem unfair to you that it pleased God to create us and all other existing creatures while depriving these poor “possible-creatures of their existence? Was God being unfair?
Certainly NOT! Even just the very thought that God was being unfair to these “possible-creatures” would be near nonsense! Why would it be unfair when God did not owe them their existence? God did not have to create them, He has no need of them and He takes no pleasure on creating them. God does everything as He pleases (Psalms115:3), and when He does it, it’s always in accordance to His purposes.
2. Creation Exists Because Of God’s Grace Alone
All of creation owes its existence on God’s grace alone. We did not exist because we are worthier than those infinite myriads of “possible-creatures” which do not exist. Just like them, God doesn’t have to create us. God isn’t insecure so as to create in order to satisfy His “need-to-be-loved”, for God Himself is the fountain of Love – in fact, God is love(1John4:8)! Creation doesn’t “add” to His infinite glory, for He is already wholly glorious even before all creation (John17:5). He doesn’t “need” humans to worship Him, because He can cause the stones to do it (Luke19:40). Creation is not even His remedy because of His “loneliness” for God Himself in the glorious Trinitarian fellowship is enough in an absolute sense. Why did we exist then? We exist solely because of God’s grace. It was simply because it pleased Him to have us as part of His purpose – the revelation of His glory.(Rom11:36,Col1:16)
3. Regeneration Is An Act Of Creation
Transformation of Nature/Regeneration was defined by scripture as an “act of creating”. When God transforms men, He in a sense “creates”. As it is written, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature” (2Co5:17)… Another passage teaches us the same, “And to clothe yourselves with the new man (Transformed Nature), which was created according to the likeness of God in righteousness and true holiness.” (Eph 4:24). These scriptures established the fact that Regeneration - which ensures Salvation – is an act just like that of creation. A person with a regenerated nature has new views, new motives, new principles, new objects and plans of life. He seeks new purposes, and he lives for new ends – He becomes a new creature, a new man.
[Recreation = Regeneration] --> [Salvation]
4. Salvation Is Ensured By Regeneration
Jesus replied to him, "Truly, truly I tell you, unless a person is born from above he cannot see the kingdom of God."(John3:3) Where “See the kingdom of God” = Salvation; and John4:7,Eze36:26; “Born from above” = Transformation of Nature / Regeneration. So we can relay the meaning of this passage this way, “Truly, truly I tell you, unless a person has a regenerated nature, he cannot be saved.” Thus, the scripture teaches us that before salvation, regeneration must take place. And regeneration ensures salvation.5. It Is Not Unfair For God Not To Save Them
Only God’s chosen ones obtained salvation and the rest were hardened (Rom11:17). God is “recreating” a people for himself, and those whom he does not recreate perish. Why? Because God did not chose to recreate them. God could have, but He did not, simply because it did not please Him to do so. Does it seem to you then that God was being unfair to these corrupted men? Does it seem unfair to you that it pleased God to recreate us and all other believing saints while depriving those who are perishing eternal life? Was God being unfair?
Certainly NOT! Why would it be unfair when God did not owe them salvation? God did not have to save them, He has no need of them and He takes no pleasure on recreating them. God does everything as He pleases (Psalms115:3), and when He does it, it’s always in accordance to His purposes. Just as it was not unfair for God not to create those “possible-creatures”, it is also not unfair for God not to recreate (regenerate) all corrupted men. God doesn’t have to recreate or transform men’s corrupted natures. So, if God was not indebted to create us from nothing, how much more does HE not owe us recreation when we are corrupted - worse than nothing?(Mark14:21)
God regenerated only His chosen ones (1Pet1:2), not on the basis of their acceptance of the Gospel. Rather, the reason why they accepted the Gospel and believed was because they were already regenerated/transformed (Acts16:14) – and they were transformed because they were predestined to eternal life (Acts113:48)!
6. Men Are Saved Because Of God’s Grace Alone
All of the saints owe their salvation on God’s grace alone. We were not saved because we are worthier than those who are perishing. Just like the perishing, God doesn’t have to save us. But because of God’s grace He has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm, just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in his presence. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, according to the pleasure of his will, so that we would praise his glorious grace that he gave us in the Beloved One. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our offenses, according to the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us, along with all wisdom and understanding, when he made known to us the secret of his will. This was according to his plan that he set forth in Christ. (Eph 1:3-9)
The decree of God by itself determines the course of history. It is never the course of history or the decisions of men which determines in any manner or modifies the decree of God.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, since God is sovereign He has a right to decree as He wills and that without being impugned by finite creatures.
That God in His mercy has decreed some, but not all to salvation, reflects His mercy.
That God in His wisdom has decreed some, but not all to reprobation, reflects His justice.
In all matters He will be glorified
(Matt. 11:25,26; Rom. 9:17-18, 21-22; 2 Tim. 2:19-20; Jude 1:4; 1Pet. 2:8).
-Dr. Stanford Murrel, Devotional Commentary on the Canons Of Dordt, Head Doctrine 1, Article 6, God's Eternal Decision.